Lower Your Energy Bills with Prompt Air Conditioning Repair in Orlando
[fusion_text]Posted by: Susan Rosser on October 03, 2014
Living in Florida can be difficult due to the humidity, which can make the weather seem hotter than it actually is. In such cases, the problem can easily be resolved by turning on the air conditioning. Unfortunately for many residents in Tampa Bay and Orlando who use their AC systems regularly, a recent mix-up with a local power distributor resulted in exorbitant energy bills due to errors in the billing processes. TheOrlando Sentinel reports:
The majority of overcharges were for customers in the Tampa Bay area, where the issue boiled over in recent weeks, but Orlando customers also will be getting credits for what Duke has explained as “unintentionally” charging a higher rate for electricity.
Having apologized for the matter, Duke is now issuing billing credits that are averaging nearly $6 each. For those who get credits, bills will plainly state that one is being issued, spokeswoman Nicole LeBeau said.
Although the overcharge has been attributed to the installation of new energy meters, high energy bills can also indicate a problem with your AC unit. A poorly maintained unit requires more energy to run as effectively as you want it to. To resolve this problem, prompt AC repair in Orlando is required to prevent that “unexplainable” increase to your energy bill.
Fortunately, spotting a problem with your AC unit is fairly easy to do. Here are two common AC problems and how you can identify them:
Air isn’t cool enough
If the air produced by the unit isn’t cooling, your unit may be leaking refrigerant (Freon). To see if this is the case, take a spray bottle of soapy water and spray the tubes along the outer body of your unit; be sure to avoid the electrical components. If the water begins to bubble, you have a Freon leak.
Restricted air flow
In the case of restricted air flow, there may be two causes. The most common cause is blockage in the air ducts. This problem can easily be resolved by having you air ducts cleaned professionally.
Sometimes, ice forming within the unit can cause restricted air flow. You can usually notice this if water puddles form underneath the ac unit, especially if it has been turned off for an hour or two. This usually indicates a faulty evaporator coil.
In the event you notice any of these problems, be sure to call a trusted Orlando air conditioning repair contractor like Westbrook Service Corporation. Not only do prompt repairs and proper maintenance help keep your energy bills down, but they also help extend the lifespan of your unit, keeping your home cool for years to come.
(Source: Duke Energy overcharges leaves customers hot; Orlando Sentinel; September 6, 2014)[/fusion_text]